Grace House is a place of refuge and shelter for babies and children born into crisis. We currently house, feed, and educate 32 children in need. Not only are we caring and providing for these precious little lives, we also work with families in the community, teaching them parenting skills and helping them to develop a strong family unit. We aim to prevent the cycle of unwanted, unplanned pregnancy and help women and families know that they can choose to have children, and raise them in a loving and God-serving family.


Your support literally keeps the lights on at Grace House. It allows us to provide food, clothes, toys, and education to the little ones in our care. It also provides for community family support, helping families when they are in need of physical help – like food, clothing, etc. – and emotional support – such as counseling and new parent training.


Grace Children’s Home serves children in Haiti who have previously suffered from neglect, abuse, malnutrition and other devastating circumstances. It is a shelter for little ones not planned for, wanted or loved, and are desperately in need of loving care for their minds, bodies and souls.

Our goal is to ensure positive and sustainable outcomes for every child in our care.

community outreach

GSA community outreach includes evangelism, our feeding program, medical outreach and more. .

family preservation

We work with families in the community, teaching them parenting skills and helping them to develop a strong family unit.

how your support helps

We know the Father’s heart is for the family, and His desire is for children to grown up within the context of a strong, loving family. He also knows the human heart and the brokenness of man. Yet His love is greater still, and He continues to pour out His grace in seemingly hopeless circumstances. For so many children living in the margins, families often become severely damaged, and sometimes to the point of no return. Our mission echos the Father’s heart. We support families and work towards reconciliation by identifying and addressing the root causes which led to crisis, to help them to reconcile and rebuild relationships and systems within the family unit. 

Your support helps provide for community family support, helping families when they are in need of physical help – like food, clothing, and emotional support such as counseling and new parent training.


Our Infant Nutrition Program is for at risk infants birth to 24 months. Frequently, young mothers have no assistance immediately after giving birth. GSA is dedicated to changing that.


Our Infant Nutrition Program is for at risk infants birth to 24 months. Frequently, young mothers have no assistance immediately after giving birth. If the mother is not able to breastfeed, less nutritious food like mashed rice and beans are given to babies, due to the high cost of formula. As a result, vital nutrients necessary for healthy brain and physical development are neglected, and stunted growth and brain function is often the result.

Through generous donations, we are able to implement a program helping mothers to provide nutritionally complete formula for their infants, and educating them on the importance of breastfeeding, and supporting them with a lactation specialist when able.

Your support helps us purchase much needed formula which prevents stunted growth and promotes proper brain development. It also allows us to bring a lactation specialist nurse to Haiti, as much as possible, to work with mothers who need help feeding their babies.

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